What theme should we use for our challenge in the month of October

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Designs-

I have just finished up some of these wonderful designs for new hats that I want to make. I was planning on doing them earlier but I have just been so busy with taking care of my husband (he lost his father and the Memorial service was yesterday. So the first is the cute little crab...

He is a little sketchy because my scanner isn't the best but you can get the general idea from the pic...

And here is the cupcake. Teehee, he will have sprinkles on top of his head that will be made of either bead or french knots of brightly colored thread...

Here is the snowman. He is very simple. He will be made out of white fleece with black for the felt on his face except for his nose which will be made out of the good old fashioned button!

And last but not least, the cute little bumble bee! Stripes of yellow and black fleece will be what makes him wonderful!

Please comment and let me know what you think. I would love to have critiques, and comments before I actually make these little guys!


  1. Wow u did GREAT!!! I think my favorite is the bee... I can just see my little one in it! U did a fantastic job... The little crab is wonderful for a boy!!! Love the sketches!

  2. i'd say its a tie on the bee & crab
    with the cupcake coming in second
    and the snowman is third. only because there's no color so it doesn't draw your eye as well. what if you tried giving him an orange nose (to simulate the carrot) or finding another way to add a little color? i think then he might have more character? just an idea <3
    all of them are uber cute as usual!

  3. Great ideas whimsy, can't wait to see your prototypes up and running! I especially like the cupcake as I have a thing about cakes :)

  4. Definitely the cupcake. They are huge right now, you could sell a bunch of those. Your hats are super cute!
